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The Cause

  • Mackenzie M.
  • Jill P.
  • ​Xavier M.
  • ​Hannah G.


Childhood Mental Health

Every parent and teacher wants the best for his or her child. Mental health is an important part of childhood development, and the ability to determine whether or not a child needs a psychiatric evalution is a crucial parent and educator skill. This site was developed to help parents recognize signs of illness so they can contact a physician as soon as possible.

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Our group decided to research mental illness in children after reading the novel Lord of the Flies in our Advanced Senior English Class. The antagonist, Jack, displays characteristics of mental illness throughout the novel that ultimately lead to disaster and distruction. These tragic instances could have been prevented had Jack recieved proper counseling and intervention. We decided to create a page emphasizing the importance of mental health in children for parents and teachers. We hope that our page will help these adults recognize the symptoms of mental illness and prevent tragedies like Jack.

value. ​quality care. convenience.

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